
Causes of Seminal Vesiculitis

Seminal vesiculitis is an inflammation of the seminal veicles, most often secondary to prostatitis, although it may occur independently.

The causes of vesiculitis appears to vary greatly as bacteria, viral, and unidentified causes have been blamed. Because of the expence of the antibiotics and labor to administer treatment, long term treatment with antimicrobials is not warranted useless of first collects a sample of seminal vesicle fluid and determines that a bacterial infection is in fact present.

Seminal vesiculitis may occur by these means:

1 Bacteria enter the seminal vesicles through the urethra.

2 Inflammation in testis or epididymis spread locally and cause seminal vesiculitis.

3 When prostate, rectum or bladder is infected, pathogens can directly spread to seminal vesicles.

4 Any infection lesion, such as tonsillitis and gingivitis can also cause the disease because bacteria travels through the blood vessles.

Besides, any factor which can cause congestion of prostate or seminal vesicles can induce acute seminal vesiculitis, such as bibulosity, catching a cold, having too much intercourses, damage of perineum area and long-term pressure.

In the concept of tcm, causes of seminal vesiculitis can be divided into:
- Obstruction of blood in perineum area
- Weakness in kidneys and spleen because of having too much sexual intercourses
- Obstruction of heat and dampness in lower abdomen
- Too much heat in body

What are the complications caused by acute prostatitis?

There are two types of prostatitis. One is acute prostatitis and the other is chronic prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis commonly develops from improper treatment of acute prostatitis. Thus timely and proper treatment for acute prostatitis is important. Here are the complications of acute prostatitis:
First, affect men's work and live
Damages caused by acute prostatitis are large. If men have prostatitis, they can experience frequent urination, urgent urination and other bladder infection system. Those symptoms can bring troubles to men’s lives. If you want to know more about prostatitis, please view this article: how to cure acute prostatitis?
Second, affect sexual function
If men are affected by acute prostatitis, pain during sex can cause impotence, premature ejaculation, declined sexual desire and even sexual dysfunction when it lasts for a long time.
Third, Male psychasthenia
If men have acute prostatitis, due to the inflammation, men also can experience dreaminess, hypomnesis and other psychasthenia symptoms.
The treatment of acute prostatitis:
Antibiotic is the most common treatment for acute prostatitis. Commonly acute prostatitis can be cured by antibiotic within weeks. Although antibiotic has many weaknesses, such short treatment with antibiotic cannot bring harms to human. If the acute prostatitis develops into chronic prostatitis, antibiotic isn’t suitable anymore. Chronicprostatitis is better to be cure by herbal medicine. Herbal medicine has no side-effect and no drug resistance, thus it is suitable for long time taking.


Is painful ejaculation a symptom of prostatitis?

Is painful ejaculation a symptom of prostatitis? Back from a business trip, Mr Knight was enjoyed in sex life with her wife. However, a week later, he had found discomfort clearly. During intercourse, he felt sharp pain in perineum area so he had to break off. As a result, he got psychology of fear caused by the unpleasant issue. Suspecting if he had have some disease, he went to the hospital. After being checked carefully, he was told that he had prostatitis.  

Prostate is the accessory gland of male reproductive organ, which can secret a lot prostate fluid during sex life. Therefore, phenomenons such as congestion, swelling, muscle contraction are normal. In general situation, elimination of congestion and swelling needs 24 to 48 hours. In this period, if a man still has frequent intercourse, a large burden is added to the prostate indeed. Suffers will be tired with lower resistance and immunity. As a matter of fact, ejaculatory duct is closely connected with urethra, it is in a opening statue when the physiological activity is active. As we can imagine, if pathogens in urethra move upward to invade prostate and breed there, what is the result? Definitely, prostatitis can occur.

In fact, prostatitis can cause ejaculation pain, and this spastic pain usually occurs before the very moment of ejaculation and end with ejaculation. The pain varies with intense and period of sex, although the pain emerges from prostate, but discomfort and pain can radiate to urethra and balano.

Is Ejaculation Pain A Manifestation of Prostatitis? Clinically, if a man suffers from prostatitis or epididymitis, ejaculation is actually an ordinary manifestation. We'd like to help patients answer questions in these aspects and recommend applicable prostatitis treatment.

What are the causes of prostate disorders?

Prostate gland is an important organ for men, because it is used to produce prostatic fluid and this organ also takes part in the process of flush urine. Thus, if this organ is sick, not only quality of semen can be affected, but also flush urine. What are the causes of prostate disorders?

Long time sitting is a major cause, because when men sitting, this gesture makes this gland pressed by its nearby organs, so blood circulation of this organ is affected and become slowly. Thus, toxic materials cannot be cleared out via blood circulation. What's more, bed blood circulation also can decline immune system, thus, prostate gland also is easy to be invaded by bacteria, and so long time sitting is an important factor.

Excessive sexual excitement and constipation can be caused by continuous irritation of the gland due to excessive sexual excitement. Another major cause of prostate disorders is constipation, when stool becomes hard and the rectum and colon are overloaded, causing undue pressure on the prostate gland.

Bad eating habits also are a reason. As is known, prostate gland can be irritated by many foods such as pepper, onion, Chilies, alcohol and so on. Those foods can stimulate prostate gland and make it be invaded by bacteria easily. What's more, if you already have had prostate disorders, those foods also can aggravate the symptoms.

How to cure prostate disorders?

In my opinion, prostate disorders aren't easily cured diseases, but they also aren't hard cured diseases. They are easy to cure or hard depend on what kind of treatment you have chosen. If you have had chronic prostatitis but choose antibiotic, if you have had acute prostatitis but choose herbal medicine, you won't get a satisfied answer. The right chooses is treating acute diseases with antibiotic and treating chronic diseases with herbal medicine.


How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Work on diseases?

Curing diseases radically is a main concept of TCM in treatment. That is, find the essence and radical causes of the disease, and develop proper treatment plan aiming at eliminating the radical causes and clear away lesions. Treating at the essence is a significant principle of TCM acology.
"Essence of a disease, is like the root of a tree, the source of a river. There is no tree has no root, and no river has no source. As the source is pure, the river is clear; as the root is irrigated, the tree is blooming. That is the nature." As a result, it is proposed by ancient people that" to cure the essence of diseases".
But as for the comprehension of essence, ancient people had different ideas. Some say it is a Yin-Yang principle; while some say it refers to heat and cold; some say it is causes of diseases; some say it is from kidney and spleen. However, according to clinical practices, the essence not only include causes of diseases, characters of diseases, Yin-Yang principle, but also include pathogen, symptoms and BMI. That is how traditional Chinese medicine understand essence of diseases. 
When pathological change occur in our bodies, there suppose be some symptoms or signs. As for the essence of the pathological changes, some are obvious and some are vague. Even some diseases reflect no symptoms except for inner change. As a result, in clinical cases, "look, listen, question and feel the pulse" and technological tests are necessary when seeking the essence of diseases. By searching for the essence, according to basic theory of TCM, the disease can be exactly diagnosed, so that proper treatment can be raised. "Treating the essence of diseases, none is incurable."
If you have problems, you can contact wuhandrlee@hotmail.com

Two successful Cases on epididymitis and orchitis with TCM

Case two 
The treatment of acute orchitis with traditional Chinese medicine
Personal information: 
Name: Mr.Zhang, male, 40 years old, Address: Public Dance Hall, Luoshi Road, Wuhan city; treatment time: July, 1987.
Major symptoms: The patient had high fever, nausea, vomiting, testicular pain, testicular swelling, and tenderness was obvious. 
He went to hospital and was diagnosed as acute orchitis. He came to see me and asked for the treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. Then I asked him to take my Chinese patent medicine "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill". Five days later, his symptoms were all eradicated. 
Case three 
The treatment of tuberculous epididymitis with traditional Chinese medicine
Personal information: 
Name: Mr. Wang, male, 19 years old, Address: Wuhan synthetic fiber factory, Fenghuo Village, Wuhan city; treatment time: November, 1987.
Major symptoms: The patient had testicular pain and swelling. There were several lumps in his testicles. Once he was in the standing position for long time, the bulge and pain would become more serious. He also had difficulty in urination, such as oliguria and urinary wait. 

He went to hospital and was diagnosed with tuberculous epididymitis. He took some Western medicine (the name is unknown) and injection of penicillin for half a year, but the treatment didn’t work on him. He also took some traditional Chinese medicine for three months, but they had no effect. 

At last, he turned to me for help. He asked for the treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. I asked him to take my Chinese patent medicine. Three months later, his symptoms were eradicated and his tuberculous epididymitis was healed. 


Is Prostatitis Contagious during Sex?

First of all, we must first clearly define which kind of prostatitis you are suffering from. Pathogenic bacteria can not be found out in a vast majority of clinical chronic prostatitis. That's to say, this kind of prostatitis belongs to the nonbacterial prostatitis. This type of chronic inflammation will not be transmitted to the woman. Even if bacterial infection is found, if that belongs to the nonspecific bacterial prostatitis, don't worry your wife will be infected because woman vagina has the stronger ability to resist the bacterial infection.

In the other case, a few clinical chronic prostatitis is caused by trichomonad or mould, or by neisseria gonorrhoeae, mycoplasma, or chlamydia, which is namely referred to clinical specificity prostatitis. For these factors of infection, they are contagious to some degree in the early stages of the disease, so during sex women could be infected, resulting in specificity inflammation of the vagina.

Nowadays in our lives, the prevalence of prostatitis due to the latter factors is on the increase, therefore, for chronic prostatitis caused by these factors, sex should be avoided in the early treatment. For patients of this type of prostatitis, what may delight you is that diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, which are developed by doctor Li Xiaoping in Wuhan through 30-year devotion, have ideal effects on prostatitis. For most patients, after a general treatment of a month or so, pathogens will be cleared out, and many will turn negative.

During the treatment with diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, remember to drink more water and try to live a regular life, but do not sit for a long time, eat spicy food, smoke or drink alcohol.

Mr. Zhang is cured by Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill with five-month treatment

Name: Mr. Zhang 
Gender: male
Address: Anhui Province
Diagnosis: prostatitis
Symptoms: moist scrotum, frequent urination
Medical history: Mr. Zhang had a history of prostatitis for 7 years. Before taking the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, he had tired many therapies like antibiotic and so on. However, the effect was negative and there was no improvement on symptoms. 
Consulting time: 2014-01-25
Treating courses: five-month treatment with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill
After one-month treatment, although the moist scrotum still existed, the frequent urination was mild. It dropped to 7 to 8 times a day from 20 times a day, According to Mr. Zhang. Dr. Lee asked Mr. Zhang to continue the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill treatment. What’s more, he was also asked to follow the dietary program and to have proper sexual intercourse. 
At the third-month course, Mr. Zhang told Dr. Lee that the frequent urination was gone and the moist scrotum was occasionally appeared after drinking. Taking the bad eating habit into consideration, he was told to avoid drinking, spicy food and eat more fruits and vegetables instead. 
Considering the recurrent moist scrotum, Dr. Lee prescribed Another 30 grams of gleditsia thorn to Mr. Zhang. Since this was the fourth course, Mr. Zhang was also asked to have himself tested when this course was finished. The major tests he needed to do were transrectal ultrasound and routine prostatitis test.  
Seven days after he finished the medicine, all the tests he had taken showed normal. There was no white blood cell in prostatic fluid and the morphology of prostate gland was normal too. He was cured by Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill fundamentally.


Can chronic prostatitis lead to infertility?

We can dialecically look on the question that whether chronic prostatitis can affect fertility. Some patients with grievous symptoms can still have kids. In theory, inflammation in prostate can have influence on both quantity and composition of semen. This indeed is the cause that can give rise to infertility.
To start with, we should realize that prostate fluid secretion decreases when there's inflammation in prostate. Meantime, the decreasing quantity of semen greatly interfere with survival and activity of sperm, which limit the activity of enzyme in the prostate fluid. Apart from that, inflammation can also lower PH value of semen, consequently, body produces anti-sperm antibodies that kills sperms. 

There is large amount of bacterial and bacterial neomycin in prostate fluid, which can consume the nutritional composition of seminal plasma. Analyzing from the clinic cases, most patients who have chronic prostatitis is normal in fertility. Few patients can have this problem, but factors that bring about male infertility is complicated. If much attention is paid on chronic prostatitis, other causes may be leaved out. 

At last, if all tests are done in both wife and husband, but still can't find anything abnormal to cause infertility, patients should not ascribe this to chronic prostatitis. 


Some natural tips for boosting sperm count

Improve diet
•Getting plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes can help boost fertility.
•Avoid tobacco, refined carbohydrates, coffee, tea, alcohol and foods with artificial additives.
•Maintain an ideal weight. Food deprivation in men leads to loss of sex drive and structural changes to reproductive tissue leading to infertility.
Obesity, on the other hand, can be associated with a low sperm count and impotence, possibly because of higher temperatures caused by excess fat near the testes.
Exercise regularly
According to American Society of Reproductive Medicine, regular exercise (five times a week for at least 45 minutes) and a healthy diet enhance fertility by keeping body weight at normal levels and relieving stress and anxiety.
Take nutritional supplements
For men, the most important supplemental nutrients to enhance fertility are vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C helps prevent sperm from clumping or sticking together, thus improving the chances for fertility.
Zinc supplementation has been shown to increase testosterone levels, sperm count and sperm motility. High zinc sources include oysters, organ meats, lean beef, turkey, lamb, herring, wheat germ, legumes and nuts.
Banana: Another sexual super food is a rich source of magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin A, vitamin C, and protein, which are required to improve and stimulate the production of more sperm. This fruit is also rich in vitamin B and Bromelain, which are powerful sexual hormone regulators that can help to enhance sexual virility. Try to include banana in your daily diet. You can also prepare banana shake and smoothie to enjoy its benefits.

If you have any questions, you can contact wuhandrlee@hotmail.com

Causes of Seminal Vesiculitis

The seminal vesicleis a male-specific structure which is about 2 inches or 5 centimeters long and is located behind the urinary bladder and above the prostate gland. The seminal vesiclesare also called glandulae vesiculosae or vesicular glands. The seminal vesicles are composed of a pair of simple tubular glands. 
The seminal vesicleis a very important organ in the male. The importance of the seminal vesicle lies in that the seminal vesiclessecrete a significant proportion of the fluid which ultimately becomes semen.
The two seminal vesiclescontribute about 60 percent of the fluids passed from the human male during ejaculation. That is to say, the secretion of the seminal vesiclesconstitutes the bulk of the semen. It is a thick fluid that contains the sugar fructose.
Generally speaking, seminal vesiculitisisan inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Although it may occur independently, seminal vesiculitis is most often secondary to prostatitis. 

What are the early symptoms of prostatitis?

What are the early symptoms of prostatitis?
As is known, prostatitis is a common male disease. It not only can affect men’s health, but also can affect couple’s sexual lives, so prostatitis should be treated timely. The cure key of this disease is timely treatment. But timely treatment needs timely diagnosis, so symptoms should be known by men.
Discharge on the opening of urethra
This symptom that the opening of urethra is covered by sticky discharge is an typical early symptom of prostatitis. This symptom should be valued by men.
Threading pain
At the early stage, many prostatitis men can experience different level pain which can spread to low abdomen, groin, thigh and even waist.
Prostatitis commonly is diagnosed when men take UTI tests, therefore, prostatitis men also can experience frequent urination, urgent urination, painful urination and difficult urination. Once men have had those symptoms, time diagnosis is necessary in case lost the best treatment time.
Local pain
Prostatitis men also can experience dull pain on anus and perineum which can be aggravated after a long time sitting or squatting.
Now, we all know the early symptoms of prostatitis, so the next step is treating. Herbal formula named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can cure prostatitis within three months. Although herbal formula works slowly, it has no relapse. This pill also has no drug resistance and no side-effect.


What Does Discolored Semen Mean?

Yellow, green or golden semen: Prostate infection

Usually, the causes of yellow semen usually is natural and benign . Commonly, many doctors believe that yellow sperm is rarely indicate anything that permanently damages a man or his fertility. However, a prostate infection may be indicated by yellowish-green semen.

Infection is the most common cause for yellow, green and golden semen. Most doctors believe it is more likely to be the cause with younger men, and this is the first assumption of many men. The most common infection isprostatitis and epididymitis which is caused by prostatitis. Greenish tints, a foul odor, and pain in the genital area are other signs that suggest yellow semen results from infection.

Yellow- tinted semen: Urine in the semen

Before being ejaculated from the body, semen travels through the urethra, and the left urine in the urethra comes out with the sperm. This is very natural phenomenon, so this is a common occurrence among a lot of men. It does not require any action, though it happens not only once. If the yellow semen was caused by urine, the semen shows a very light tint of yellow instead of a darker shade of yellow.

Pink, red or dark brown semen: Bleeding from the prostate

The causes of brown semen are mostly common, and most of them are relatively benign. Commonly, it's because there is blood in the semen, particularly the blood that has been in the testicular area for quite a long time. Blood existing in the semen, which is also known as hematospermia or hemospermia, is the most likely to cause brown semen. If there is no other intense pain or apparent injury, the situation is usually not that serious, and instead, it often clears up on its own in a few days. Trauma to the testicles often causes blood in semen, but it can be because of other reasons, infections included. Sometimes, but quite rarely, a more significant issue, like testicular cancer, can be indicated by brown semen.

Semen color and consistency can vary depending on several factors, such as age, diet and frequency of ejaculation. Sometimes changes in the appearance of semen are usually temporary and not a concern for health, but if these changes last for longer than a week or two or if the color change is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, fever, sexual dysfunction or blood in the urine, see your doctor for an evaluation.

What are the causes of hemospermia and how to treat it

Hemospermia is very common seem in men of all ages. It is a phenomenon that we can see blood in the ejaculated semen. Under normal circumstances, semen is milk-white, off-white or faint yellow. But patients with hemospermia would have semen mixed with blood and presenting pink. Observing under the microscope, we can find red blood cells in semen. 

Hemospermia is very hazardous to people. Firstly, it can kill sperms. Because of the existing of inflammation, there would be a lot of white blood cells in the seminal vesicle, which block the flowing of semen and induce the death of sperms. Secondly, some men are so anxious about it that they loss their self-confidence. It would influence the male sexual function. At last, hemospermia can also induce infertility, because the structure of sexual organs inducing hemospermia is very complicated, if they are blocked, the inflammation would turn into chronic disease. And then, it would induce the secondary blockage of seminiferous duct, inducing that the semen can't be ejaculated out of body. 
If a man has hemospermia, he would always be very panic. So we should know what are the causes of hemospermia? Hemospermia is most commonly brought about by diseases in seminal vesicle and prostate.Seminal vesiculitis is a common reason inducing hemospermia. Seminal vesicle is located above the prostate, between bladder and rectum. In the seminal vesicle lining, there is a layer of tiny vasoganglion, which contains many capillaries. Once the seminal vesicle is inflamed, the seminal vesicle lining would be congesting and swelling. The capillaries are more easily to burst, causing bleeding. Sometimes, it would be accompanied with pain in the lower abdomen after ejaculation, and frequent urination, urgent urination and painful urination. Some of the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of prostatitis. In additional, cysts of ejaculatory duct and seminal vesicle can also induce hemospermia. So if we have hemospermia, we should find out the causes of that first. 
If your hemospermia is induced by inflammations, no matter it is prostatitis or seminal vesiculitis, we suggest you to use traditional Chinese medicine: diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill to treat it. TCM treatment of hemospermia has a strong overall concept: from the patients to consider the characteristics of the body, not just limited to the lesion itself. 


Which treatment is more reliable for orchitis, western medicine or TCM?

According to the herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping, virus or bacteria are the major causes of orchitis. So, to cure the disease, clearing heat and killing bacteria are necessary. According to medical survey, the TCM treatment like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill has the functions of clearing heat and killing bacteria, which means that it has strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect. Thus, the infection can be totally cleared with the treatment. 
As everyone knows, western medicine like antibiotics can also have the functions of killing bacteria. However, it is well known that antibiotics have drug resistance, and it can also bring harm to liver and kidney. The herbal medicine is made from herbs, which means that it is safe, without any side effect. 
What is more, patients also have the symptoms like swelling in one or both testicles, pain ranging from mild to severe; they have to bear these symptoms until get a cure. However, most of time, western medicine cannot cure these symptoms completely. These symptoms are easy to recur and orchitis is likely to be worsened with antibiotics. 
According to Dr. Lee, the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill has the effect of activating blood and resolving stasis, promoting Qi and releasing pain. After activating blood, the metabolism can be promoted, and the bacteria are discharged largely, and the symptoms like swelling and pain can be relieved. 
All in all, as mentioned above, I think most men have realized that the TCM treatment like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is the reliable treatment for orchitis. However, everything has two coins, as a kind of TCM, the herbal pill needs more time for the treatment. Thus, if men suffer from acute orchitis, antibiotics are necessary firstly, and if antibiotics have no obvious effect or the disease develops into chronic orchitis, diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is better than western medicine. 


Can Prostatitis Be Contagious during Sex?

First of all, we must first clearly define which kind of prostatitis you are suffering from. Pathogenic bacteria can not be found out in a vast majority of clinical chronic prostatitis. That's to say, this kind of prostatitis belongs to the nonbacterial prostatitis. This type of chronic inflammation will not be transmitted to the woman. Even if bacterial infection is found, if that belongs to the nonspecific bacterial prostatitis, don't worry your wife will be infected because woman vagina has the stronger ability to resist the bacterial infection.

In the other case, a few clinical chronic prostatitis is caused by trichomonad or mould, or by neisseria gonorrhoeae, mycoplasma, or chlamydia, which is namely referred to clinical specificity prostatitis. For these factors of infection, they are contagious to some degree in the early stages of the disease, so during sex women could be infected, resulting in specificity inflammation of the vagina.

Nowadays in our lives, the prevalence of prostatitis due to the latter factors is on the increase, therefore, for chronic prostatitis caused by these factors, sex should be avoided in the early treatment. For patients of this type of prostatitis, what may delight you is that diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, which are developed by doctor Li Xiaoping in Wuhan through 30-year devotion, have ideal effects on prostatitis. For most patients, after a general treatment of a month or so, pathogens will be cleared out, and many will turn negative.

During the treatment with diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, remember to drink more water and try to live a regular life, but do not sit for a long time, eat spicy food, smoke or drink alcohol.

Do you know that What is Chronic Orchitis?

Chronic orchitis ia always caused by mistreatment or recurence of acute orchitis. Some are caused by mould, spirochete or parasite infection, such as syphilis of the testis. For those who have an trauma in the testis, they also risk for granulomatous orchitis. If your body was exposed in isotope-phosphorus, you risk for orchitis too because the tissue in the testis is wounded. 
In the aspect of pathology, chronic orchitis is a swelling, harden or atrophic testis, with glass-looking or degenerating lesion in the GBM of seminiferous tubule, without any epithelial cell on the seminiferous tubule. There could be induration and small hyperplasia lesion around the seminiferous tubule.
Clinical tests of chronic orchitis patients show that the testis is swelling, hard and smooth. Patients could feel a pain when the testis is touched. Some of the patients have atrophic testis, and the testis cannot be seen on patients with extremely severe orchitis, but the epididymis looks bigger. In some of the clinical cases, orchitis patients have the inflammation spreaded from their chronic epididymitis. Chronic orchitison both side possibly causes infertility. Treatment of this kind of infertility should be aiming at treating chronic orchitis.

If you have problems, you can contact wuhandrlee@hotmail.com

Exercise regularly and some nutritional supplements can indeed boost sperm count

Exercise regularly
According to American Society of Reproductive Medicine, regular exercise (five times a week for at least 45 minutes) and a healthy diet enhance fertility by keeping body weight at normal levels and relieving stress and anxiety.
Take nutritional supplements
For men, the most important supplemental nutrients to enhance fertility are vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C helps prevent sperm from clumping or sticking together, thus improving the chances for fertility.
Zinc supplementation has been shown to increase testosterone levels, sperm count and sperm motility. High zinc sources include oysters, organ meats, lean beef, turkey, lamb, herring, wheat germ, legumes and nuts.
Banana: Another sexual super food is a rich source of magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin A, vitamin C, and protein, which are required to improve and stimulate the production of more sperm. This fruit is also rich in vitamin B and Bromelain, which are powerful sexual hormone regulators that can help to enhance sexual virility. Try to include banana in your daily diet. You can also prepare banana shake and smoothie to enjoy its benefits.

If you have problems, you can contact wuhandrlee@hotmail.com


Lower abdomen pain is a symptom of prostatitis

Why does pain in left lower abdomen happen? 
Both pathogenic microorganisms and psychological factors can lead to lower abdomen pain.
Bad daily habits, such as drinking alcohol, having spicy food, sitting for too long, can also be causes of lower abdomen pain.
Long-lasting frequent urine, urinary urgency, dysuria and discomfort in prostate are all symptoms of prostatitis. However, another possibility is that there's no pyocyte, no obvious pathological change and no bacteria in prostate fluid. Such patients are usually treated with treatment of chronic prostatitis. Though a lot of antibiotic have been taken, it seems that they didn't work well. In fact, they are not chronic prostatitis patients at all. That is because both urethral muscle and genuine prostate muscle spasm cause pain, in other words, prostatodynia.
In addition, prostate massage can improve local blood circulation and relieve lower abdomen pain. Cleaning anus,pressing prostate gland with forefinger and middle finger are both beneficial. Three to five minutes is enough till prostate fluid comes out. Don't forget that the pressing power should be gentle.Self health care is required. Enhance physical exercise and prevent cold, positively treat other infection of the body. If you are an office staff, you should stand up to have a break. Apart from that, keep a healthy diet; abstinent sexual activity; have hip baths and do prostatic massage.
If you have problems, you can contact wuhandrlee@hotmail.com

How to treat Chlamydia Infection in Men

Generally speaking, symptoms suffered by men testing positive for chlamydia, if any, are mainly urgent and frequent urination with a painful feeling, reddening and swelling of urinary meatus with a feeling of pricking and burning. And purulent mucus or serous fluid that runs out can dirty the briefs.
Once men test positive for chlamydia for sure or if they have already had symptoms of chlamydia infection, they must receive timely and symptomatic treatment until the disease is completely cured.
If men testing positive for chlamydia are not treated timely or thoroughly, chlamydia infection may spread and worsen. In the meantime, the whole urogenital system of men may be under threat of chlamydia infection. And complications or secondary diseases like prostatitis, cystitis, vesiculitis, orchitis, epididymitis and male sterility may be caused which can bring the patients more and severer pains.
Then, here comes a question-how to treat the symptoms suffered by men test positive for chlamydia and what medicine is needed in the treatment.
Men testing positive for chlamydia should receive symptomatic treatment. And the first requirement is to sterilize bacteria; the second requirement is to diminish inflammation, for diseases caused by chlamydia are mainly inflammation; the third requirement is to relieve pain, for men with chlamydia infection suffer from pains caused by various diseases.
In treatment of symptoms suffered by men testing positive for chlamydia, "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill", a traditional Chinese medicine, is heat-clearing and detoxifying and able to kill chlamydia pathogen within three months so as to control primary focus and transform the test result from positive to negative. In the meantime, it can also promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, diminish inflammation and relieve pain. Therefore, it is an optimal choice in treatment of diseases suffered from by men testing positive for chlamydia.