
Lower abdomen pain is a symptom of prostatitis

Why does pain in left lower abdomen happen? 
Both pathogenic microorganisms and psychological factors can lead to lower abdomen pain.
Bad daily habits, such as drinking alcohol, having spicy food, sitting for too long, can also be causes of lower abdomen pain.
Long-lasting frequent urine, urinary urgency, dysuria and discomfort in prostate are all symptoms of prostatitis. However, another possibility is that there's no pyocyte, no obvious pathological change and no bacteria in prostate fluid. Such patients are usually treated with treatment of chronic prostatitis. Though a lot of antibiotic have been taken, it seems that they didn't work well. In fact, they are not chronic prostatitis patients at all. That is because both urethral muscle and genuine prostate muscle spasm cause pain, in other words, prostatodynia.
In addition, prostate massage can improve local blood circulation and relieve lower abdomen pain. Cleaning anus,pressing prostate gland with forefinger and middle finger are both beneficial. Three to five minutes is enough till prostate fluid comes out. Don't forget that the pressing power should be gentle.Self health care is required. Enhance physical exercise and prevent cold, positively treat other infection of the body. If you are an office staff, you should stand up to have a break. Apart from that, keep a healthy diet; abstinent sexual activity; have hip baths and do prostatic massage.
If you have problems, you can contact wuhandrlee@hotmail.com

