
Treatment of Asthenospermia Which Can not Affect Male Fertility

Asthenospermia is also called low sperm mortality. Many are usually given the suggestion of taking medicine like Levocarnitine Oral Solution, if diagnosed. But those medicines, not considering about the curative effect, can cause serious side effect, such as impotence, kidney damagy. To some extent, it only makes the condition worse. Many people may also choose a strict diet and wait for any improvement anxiously. But things do not work out as expected. Diet therapy takes a long time but its effect may too tiny to feel.

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, also known as diuresis is antibiotic pill, is a good news to people who are suffering from the asthenospermia and also a chance. It’s developed by the herbalist Lee Xiaoping, an expert who has specialized in the field of male and female productive and urinary system disease for more than 30 years. The herbs in diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, including plantain seed, pink herb, peach seed, Chinese angelica and cowherb seed, can work directly and effectively into reproductive and urinary system and completely clear up infections. It can relieve chronic pain by notably improving blood circulation and eliminate inflammation gradually, while the most important thing is that this kind of medicine has no side effect at all , when compared with other medicines.

But how exactly does the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill work on man? It can promote blood and Qi circulation effectively. In China, we believe that one’s condition is closely related to these two aspects. If there are something wrong with one’s health, the solution is to improve his Qi and blood circulation. Therefore, one can become healthy radically and his sperm can also become stronger. Besides, this kind of medicine can kill sorts of pathogens, including e.coli, gonococcus, staphylococcus, which has been proved by thousands of cases.

While taking the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, one should observe a strict diet habit. Spicy food, alcohol, chicken, pork or any other kind of meat are definitely not allowed but vegetables and fruits are all right. If one can take the pill according to the doctor’s advice and indeed control his diet strictly, all the symptoms will disappear after three months in general. But, in order to prevent the disease comes back, another month’s treatment should be continued.

If you are being tortured by asthenospermia and you don’t have other choice, maybe you can try this medicine. I hope this will be useful.

