Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS) affects women predominantly, with an average age at onset of 40 years. It also affects men and, children also affected in rare cases. IC/BPS may be associated with urgent urination, frequent urination, night urination, and sterile urine cultures. Those who suffer from interstitial cystitis may have symptoms that overlap with other urinary bladder disorders such as: urinary tract infection (UTI), overactive bladder, urethritis, urethral syndrome, and prostatitis.
Research still couldn’t find out why bladder infections are so common in women, it's thought maybe because a woman's urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body) is short, and its opening is close to the anus, making it easy for bacteria to travel from the colon to the bladder.
The causes of interstitial cystitis are unknown either. Some possible factors have been released. Some experts say an unidentified infectious agent may be the cause, though no bacteria or viruses (pathogens) have been found in the urine of IC sufferers. Others believe that IC occurs with ischemia (tissue death) or a deficiency of GAG in the epithelium of unknown cause, though genetic predispositions in some patients have been documented. It may be an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system attacks healthy cells, perhaps following a bladder infection. It is likely that several factors in combination cause the condition.
But six risk factors for interstitial cystitis in women have been found by the experts, they are;Women who have excessive sexual activity, which can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract;Women who use of diaphragms and spermicides, which alter the bacteria in a woman's urethra;Women who get pregnancy, because of changes in anatomy and physiology (a UTI can put the unborn child at risk and a doctor should be consulted immediately);Women whose medical conditions that suppress the immune system or make emptying the bladder difficult. Women who have UTI, the chances of developing another one increase substantially.
To keep away from interstitial cystitis, you should avoid these six risk factors. If you have already infected with it, you should get the treatment immediately. Luckily there is an herbal medicine named diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, which could cure it effectively by eliminating inflammation, killing bacteria, clearing heat, and promoting the blood circulation.